Your eye makeup is the key thing to get a wonderful look. When you are getting ready for a night out on in town, you must go for extraordinary eye makeup so that your eyes really pop up to make you look the most attractive. Here are some tips to make your eyes pop:
- In general, you always brighten up your upper eye lid with a liner. To get the popping effect, use the liner to the lower lid as well. You do not have to worry much about choosing the right color match for both the lids. New dual ended liners are now available and they do the matching job for you.
- You can go for colorful, yet smoky eyes. If you are afraid of having a dark and heavy look with the smoky effect, just go for the “colorful smoky” option! You can use the colors like purple, green, gold or shades of blues to create the colorful smoky look.
- Always use the concealer around the eyes when you want to make your eyes pop. This helps your eyes to stand up for their beauty and not for the dark circles. Remember that the concealer that you use is one or two shades lighter than your normal skin tone.
- After the concealer around the eyes, apply a base coat over the face. This will help to give your face an even tone and your eyes will stay focussed.
- You can add shimmer to make the eyes more attractive.
- The main trick to make the eyes attractive is to use the right eye shadow. Your eyes will pop up only when you use the eye shadow which is opposite to the color of your eyes on the color wheel. For instance, if you have blue eyes, the best eye shadow to make your eyes pop will be orange. Now, you may feel awkward to apply pure orange to the eye lids, but can easily go for bronze or gold and these too will create the same popping effect.
- Use brown mascara to the upper and the lower lashes. Put a little more on the sides of the eye lashes in order to make your eyes look more elongated and large.
- Your clothes and accessories are equally responsible to give your eyes a popping look. These things have to be on the opposite of the color wheel as your eyes are. A blue eye can have the pop only when you wear bronze or other shades of orange.